Outcome Project is a technology and data science company that helps public health practitioners and researchers in the ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of health-related data essential to plan, implement, and evaluate public/population health practices.

Create an insight-driven organization with our health data science solutions.

Data Analytics Consulting Services

Entrust your data processing to a team of experts. Focus organizational resources on generating valuable insights and making insight-driven decisions.

Research Platform for Population-based Surveys

Explore trends, discover insights and transform your population-based research workflow.

Outcome Project empowers institutions to make the best evidence-based decisions. With data analytics, institutions can improve their operational efficiency, allowing them to direct the right human and economic resources into the services responsible for the population’s well-being.

5 tipos de datos

Tipos de datos

Los tipos de datos son categorías que clasifican y especifican qué tipo de valores pueden ser almacenados en una variable o estructura de datos. Estos

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